Mechanics of Materials
Lesson 35
Stress Transformation II
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
This Course:
- Given an input state of stress, properly construct Mohr’s Circle (include: sigma axis, tau axis, tau sign convention, units, point for x with coordinates, point for y with coordinates, labeled and computed center coordinate, labeled and computed radius, labeled and computed maximum planar shear stress, and labeled and computed principal stresses).
- Given a Mohr’s Circle, construct stress elements that are aligned to the input state of stress, the principal stresses, the maximum in-plane shear stress, and a specified angle theta.
- Recognize that all angles in Mohr’s Circle equal twice the rotations in real life (on the stress element, stress cube, or FBD).
- Recognize the significance and importance of the principal stresses and the maximum in-plane shear stress.
- Recognize that Mohr’s Circle is nothing more than a visualization of the stress transformation equations.
In-Class Notes
In-Class Notes


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